2023 is the centenary year of the Chilean Naval Aviation, which, after being born in the beginning of the world aeronautics, has been consolidated as a multipurpose and versatile operational force, carrying behind it, a history loaded with significant facts in the field of technological advances and in the overcoming and mystical of its specialists.

To participate this centenary year, the National Maritime Museum, in a joint effort with the Command in Chief of Naval Aviation they wanted to hold a temporary exhibition entitled 100 years of Naval Aviation, shows that summarizes through images, objects and models at scale, the history of this aircraft force.

For this occasion, and also joining this commemoration, the Group of Plastimodelism Quinta Region is present in this exhibition, who are presenting different models of planes, helicopters and boats at scale that have served in the Naval Aviation throughout its centenary history.

Among the objects that are part of this exhibition, a KD2R5 drone, a radio control aircraft used for anti-aircraft shooting exercises stands out and which helped prepare several generations of specialists in the decks of combat units of the Chilean Navy.

In this regard, the Director of the MMN, Rear Admiral Andrés Rodrigo, said: “The museum has wanted to value, from a historical perspective, what has been Naval Aviation over the years, from its challenging beginnings when this incipient base was installed very close to here, in the Torpederas, or to what it is today: A fundamental pillar for the operational forces, for the effective surveillance of our sea and for the safety of activity at sea”

The exhibition, can be visited until the end of August at the Museum, located in Paseo 21 de Mayo No 45, Cerro Artillería, Valparaíso, from Monday to Sunday from 10:00 to 17:30 hrs.,