The most important naval exercise in the Southern Cone will have more than fifty operations in the Atlantic. The crew of the ship was received by members of the Colombian Navy, who witnessed a traditional folkloric presentation of this country.
Cartagena de Indias, Colombia. During the day of July 11, the OPV 82 “Comandante Toro” called at the Colombian port of Cartagena de Indias, where it will operate in conjunction with navies from more than 15 countries representing UNITAS 2023.

Upon arrival in the host city of the meeting and after passing through the Panama Canal, the Chilean unit was welcomed by a delegation of the Colombian Navy along with a folkloric group in the company of the Liaison Officer with the aforementioned Navy, Commander Cyril Jackson.

As of today, the OPV 82 “Comandante Toro” begins its participation in the international exercise UNITAS Colombia 2023 which is divided into two phases: the first of them in port, where different coordination, planning and cultural exchanges meetings will be held that aim to prepare in a good way the stage at sea; The second period, meanwhile, will take place between July 15 and 20, and will feature more than 70 naval exercises between friendly navies.

It should be noted that UNITAS is an activity organized by the Southern Command of the United States and, in this edition, will have countries from four continents and more than four thousand five hundred people, who will carry out joint operations in order to increase the level of training and preparation.