Amid the increasingly severe security environment surrounding Japan, in order to enhance the deterrence and response capabilities of the Japan-U.S. Alliance, the Self-Defense Forces and the U.S. Forces in Japan are expected to respond quickly through the implementation of various practical exercises. There is an increasing need to improve

Based on this recognition, the Japan-U.S. Joint Committee recently decided that the MV-22 (U.S. Marine Corps Osprey) should operate at an altitude of less than 500 feet in mountainous areas that avoid flying over residential areas while taking safety measures. We agreed to conduct flight training up to 200 feet.

This training involves transporting personnel and goods, avoiding capture from enemy radars and attacks from anti-aircraft weapons, conducting search and rescue activities in emergencies (including disasters), and flying over people in need of rescue. It is essential for early detection and discrimination from the situation, and by maintaining and improving the readiness of the US forces in Japan, it strengthens the deterrence and response capabilities of the Japan-US alliance.

Regarding MV-22 operations other than training based on this agreement, continue to comply with the “Japan-U.S. Joint Committee Agreement on New Aircraft (MV-22) in Japan” dated September 19, 2012. Confirmed between Japan and the United States.

[Summary of Japan-U.S. Joint Committee Agreement]

Implementation area/content

Flight training will be conducted at an altitude of less than 500 feet and up to 200 feet in mountainous areas that avoid overflying residential areas in Japan, excluding Okinawa Prefecture.

*Flights other than flight training based on this agreement will continue to fly at an altitude of 500 feet or higher.