Reprint of article from builder’s Linkedin account

The first ship would be delivered in the first quarter of 2025 and the second at the end of that same year.

The Minister of National Defense, Javier García, announced on Monday at a press conference the purchase of two “zero mile” OPV-type ships for the National Navy.

“They are going to allow the National Navy to resume its essential mission, consisting of the custody of our national sovereignty at sea, the care of our natural resources, avoid and suppress illegal activities when necessary, and regain control over all of our maritime space, an issue that is very limited from the deterioration and age of the Navy ships, “he said.

García affirmed that this acquisition is a “long longing” of the National Navy, which is over 15 years old.

“The purchase is from a Spanish shipyard, Cardama. The operation is for the total sum of 82.2 million euros. It is significantly less than the first call made by the Ministry of National Defense, “he added.

The Secretary of State assured that this was the “lowest cost” offer of all those who arrived. “Of the eight that were received, from different origins, it is the one that most quickly offered the delivery of the two ships,” he added.

In this sense, García indicated that if everything goes in these terms, the first ship would be delivered in the first quarter of 2025 and the second in the end of that same year.

How will these boats be paid? There are about US $ 40 million already “separated”, via the National Development Corporation. The rest, meanwhile, will be “via reinforcement of General Income,” concluded the Secretary of State.