Dozens of soldiers from the Indonesian Navy Main Base welcomed the arrival of two Malaysian Navy warships, KD Sri Indera Sakti and KD Gagah Samudera, at Semampir Baru Pier, Ujung Surabaya. Saturday (07/10/23).

The arrival of the two Malaysian Navy Warships to the City of Heroes Surabaya in order to improve good relations between Indonesia and Malaysia.

The Malaysian Navy warship will dock at Semampir Baru Ujung Surabaya Pier from October 07-10, 2023.

The Malaysian Navy Battleship KD Sri Indera Sakti was commanded by RMN Commander Ahmad Redhuan Bin Osman with a type of Multi-Purpose Command Suprort Ship with a ship length of 100 meters, a width of 15 meters, a draft of 4.75 meters, a speed of 16.5 knots and carrying a total of 144 crew members.

As for the Malaysian Navy hip KD Gagah Samudera at the Commander by RMN Acting Commader Mohamad Khoirul bin Hamid with Training Vesel (TRV) type, 75.9 meters long, 4.2 meters wide, with a total crew of 99 personnel.

Present in welcoming the two Malaysian Navy Warships were Officers, Non-commissioned Officers, Enlisted Lantamal V and other relevant officials.