Led by Chairman Doug Lamborn (R-CO) and Ranking Member Seth Moulton (D-MA), the Subcommittee on Strategic Forces today released its proposals for the Fiscal Year 2024 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA). The Subcommittee will meet at 10:00am ET on Tuesday, June 13, 2023 in Rayburn 2118.
Space Activities
- Requires a plan for threat sharing with commercial space operators.
- Requires review of the classification guidance to make sure that it remains appropriate before granting Milestone B approval of space major defense acquisition programs.
- Requires the department to establish a process to identify and evaluate commercial space situational awareness capabilities and to develop and implement a plan to integrate that data into Space Force operational systems.
Nuclear Forces
- Requires the Department of Defense to establish a major force program for nuclear command, control, and communications (NC3) programs to aggregate and better track sustainment and modernization efforts across the NC3 enterprise.
- Requires the submission of an integrated master schedule for the Sentinel missile program, as well as quarterly briefings on the program’s progress.
- Requires congressional notification in the event Russia or China provide assistance to each other in advancing their nuclear deterrents.
- Continues limitations established in the FY23 NDAA on full retirement of B83-1 nuclear gravity bombs until studies on how to address hard and deeply buried targets have been delivered to Congress.
Missile Defense Programs
- Requires the Director of the Missile Defense Agency to provide a report on potential enhancements to the Aegis Ashore missile defense sites in Poland and Romania to better detect and defend against a broader array of missile threats.
- Authorizes the Missile Defense Agency to carry out a program to develop a Glide Phase Interceptor for hypersonic defense and requires it to reach Initial Operations Capability by 2029.
Hypersonic Capabilities
- Requires the Department to evaluate and initiate environmental review processes for at least two additional air corridors for hypersonic testing.
- Amends a requirement for the Department to develop a hypersonic testing strategy to require updates every two years.