As part of the execution of the specific agreement between the Ministry of Production and the Ministry of Defense – Navy of Peru, the company Servicios Industriales de la Marina (SIMA Peru) presented the Maritime Interdiction Patrol Boats “Máncora” and “Lobitos”, whose mission is maritime patrol in the maritime domain.

These maritime patrol boats have been designed to fulfill roles in maritime security and surveillance, environmental protection, search and rescue, maritime traffic control, protection of human life at sea, maritime interdiction and illegal fishing.

It is important to highlight that the aforementioned agreement has the purpose of building 2 interdiction patrol boats in addition to those presented, which will also be in charge of SIMA, the same ones that have been financed through an agreement signed with the Ministry of Production.

The presentation of these patrol boats was attended by the Minister of Defense, Jorge Luis Chávez Cresta; the Minister of Production, Sandra Belaunde Arnillas; the General Commander of the Navy, Admiral Alberto Alcalá Luna and the General Director of Captaincies and Coast Guard, Vice Admiral Ernesto Colunge Pinto, among other civil and military authorities.