The new nuclear missile submarine cruiser Generalissimo Suvorov made the transition from the White to the Barents Sea and arrived at the base of the Northern Fleet, the Russian Defense Ministry said.

“The newest nuclear-powered strategic missile submarine generalissimo Suvorov made the transition from the White Sea to the Barents Sea. The ship arrived at the berth in the main base of the Northern Fleet – Severomorsk,” the report said.

According to the military, at the base of the fleet, the crew will undergo combat training and pass the necessary course tasks.

“After completing the training course, the ship will go to the place of permanent basing in the Pacific Fleet,” the report said.

On December 29, 2022, the Russian Navy received a new strategic nuclear submarine “Generalissimo Suvorov”, equipped with Bulava ballistic missiles.

“Generalissimo Suvorov” – the second serial submarine of the project “Borey-A”. It was built at the production association “Sevmash” in Severodvinsk.

The submarine belongs to the fourth generation of nuclear missile submarines, equipped with modern complexes of missile and torpedo weapons, navigation, radio and sonar weapons. It has high maneuvering characteristics and acoustic stealth.

A series of fourth-generation nuclear submarine cruisers of the Borey and Borey-A projects, armed with Bulava intercontinental ballistic missiles, will become the basis of naval strategic nuclear forces for the coming decades, the Russian military said.