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As of January 13, 2025

  • The recovery of fuel and other pollutants from HMNZS Manawanui is progressing with a quantity of fuel already removed.
  • NZ Senior National Representative for Operation Resolution, Commodore Andrew Brown, said the recovery phase is making progress despite the impact of adverse weather conditions.
  • “On Monday due to deteriorating weather and sea conditions the Salvor moved the Barge from above Manawanui to Port Apia to offload the recovered fuel and other pollutants held in the tanktainers,” said Commodore Brown.
  • Unfortunately weather conditions in the harbor prevented safe operations and the tug and barge proceeded back out to sea to await more favorable weather and will remain seeking shelter from the current weather system.
  • “The weather, particularly this time of year, has and will influence the fuel and other pollutants removal process.” said Commodore Brown.  
  • He said, once offloaded, the tanktainers will be securely stored at the port and then the fuel and other pollutants will be transferred to an agreed delivery point for processing and stowage whilst we work through disposal processes.
  • “While the barge is away from Manawanui, the Safety Buffer Zone around the site has remained in place, to protect the anchors and buoys, and to ensure the safety of people who might be on the water in the area.
  • The NZDF dive team continues to monitor Manawanui and the surrounding area and support the Scientific Research Organization of Samoa sea water sample collection,” said Commodore Brown.
  • He said, the barge is expected to make a number of trips into Apia to offload tanktainers between now and the end of the fuel recovery phase.
  • “This response is complex and technical, New Zealand is committed to doing the right thing. We know how important the coastal and marine environments are to the people of Samoa, especially those on the south west coast of Upolu,” said Commodore Brown.