In order to safeguard the security of human life at sea, protect the aquatic environment and combat illegal activities in the country’s maritime domain, the B.A.P. sailed. Rio Quilca, which begins its first patrol commission on the southern coast of 2025, was present in ports and coves during its deployment.
During the event, the Commander General of the Navy, Admiral Luis José Polar Figari, stressed the importance of the mission entrusted to and underlined the commitment of its endowment to carry out the functions of the Maritime Authority.
Corvette Capt. Raúl Franco Napurí, commander of the patrol, reaffirmed his crew’s commitment to comply fully with the mission assigned, ensuring respect for national and international regulations, for the benefit of national development and maritime security.
The event was also attended by the Director General of Captaincy and Coast Guard, the Executive Director of the General Directorate of Captainies and Coast Guard, and the Coast Guard Commander.