The Defense Business Administration (Deputy Director Kang Hwan-seok) and the Canadian Ministry of Defense (Ms. Nancy Tremblay, Assistant Secretary of Defense and Materiel Department) held the “5st Korea-Canada Defense Logistics Joint Committee” (hereinafter referred to as the “Joint Committee”) in Ottawa, Canada, on Wednesday, May 31. “) was held.

In December ’22, the two countries revised the Memorandum of Understanding on Defense Logistics Cooperation between the Republic of Korea and the Republic of Korea to expand the scope and scope of defense cooperation and to regularize mutual exchanges, and agreed to hold a joint committee in agreement on the need for a regular consultative body.

The joint committee will be co-chaired by Kang Hwan-seok, Deputy Director General of the Defense Projects Agency, and Nancy Tremble, Assistant Secretary of Defense and Materiel of the Canadian Ministry of Defense, and on the Canadian side, the Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense and Matency of the Ministry of National Defense. The Office of the Assistant Secretary for Defense Research and Development and the Commercial Corporation of Canada (CCC) attended the meeting to discuss defense cooperation between the two countries.

* Canadian Commercial Corporation, a state-owned corporation established in 1946 to assist Canadian companies in entering into commercial contracts between foreign governments.

On this day, the two countries introduced relevant organizations and procedures to understand each other’s defense acquisition systems, and discussed ways to cooperate in the defense industry as a whole. The Defense Business Administration believes that defense cooperation is a technology transfer· Examples leading to industrial cooperation such as local production were presented, and the Canadian side proposed cooperation in the field of test evaluation using extensive test sites in the country and environments specialized for low-temperature tests.

On the other hand, a plan for practical cooperation between the Korea Defense Industry Promotion Association and the Canadian Commercial Corporation was also proposed to expand exchanges between defense companies of the two countries. Regular exchanges between the two organizations and the promotion of the signing of a memorandum of understanding between the defense industry associations of the two countries to expand the participation of domestic companies in the Canadian Defense Exhibition (CANSEC) were discussed.

Kang Hwan-seok, Deputy Director General of the Defense Business Administration, said, “The holding of the first ROK-Canada Joint Commission is an achievement of cooperation between the two countries and a consultation channel for expanding defense industry cooperation between the two countries in the future.” “The two countries share common goals, such as the Indo-Pacific strategy, and will materialize practical cooperation achievements so that we can move ‘stronger together’ in the defense sector.”