On November 12, the ATF “Galvarino” set sail from Punta Arenas towards the Chilean Antarctic Territory, continuing with the work of logistical support of national and foreign bases on the White Continent.

The deployment of the so-called “Pacific Rhino” included the embarkation of a team of lighthouse specialists from the Punta Arenas Zonal Maritime Signaling Center, as well as a meteorology specialist from the Chilean Magallanes and Antarctic Maritime Meteorological Center, who complement the endowment of sailors who will travel to the remote national bases in the Chilean Antarctic Territory.

The specialists at Faro have the mission of maintaining different aids to navigation in the Chilean Antarctic Territory, renewing lights, structures and registering them.

The “Galvarino” will be deployed for 40 days, a period during which it will carry out fuel tasks at Antarctic bases, transfer of scientific commissions, support to work teams already deployed from the Chilean Navy, as well as fulfilling tasks in the Combined Naval Antarctic Patrol considering work to safeguard human life at sea on the White Continent.