In the Aegean Sea, German and French vessels conducted a series of exercises ranging from the establishment of various encrypted communications to tactical developments and a visit operation on board the Rhein to simulate a flag investigation of a suspicious vessel and the discovery of narcotics.

This operational activity enabled the two units of the NATO Task Group to strengthen their interoperability and common knowledge and was the occasion to send five French sailors on the Rhein and six German sailors on the Languedoc, including Captain Thorsten Mathesius, commander of SNMG2. These exchanges made it possible to share know-how on the specificities of the missions of each of the units as well as on the perception of the situation in the theater of operations. This exercise contributes to the strengthening of operational cooperation with the German Navy.

Deployed since 15 May, Languedoc is integrated into NATO’s SNMG2 in the Central and Eastern Mediterranean. While participating in operations alongside NATO’s allied navies, Languedoc ensured the permanence of the French presence and the autonomous assessment of the situation in the Eastern Mediterranean.