In the evening of May 19, the F-100 frigate ‘Blas de Lezo’ fired an SM-2 medium range anti-air missile against a sea-skimming supersonic air target in the Hebrides sea range (Scotland).

This event has taken place as part of the activities of ‘Formidable Shield-23’ (FOSH-23), an international allied exercise where another Spanish Navy (SN) vessel `participates: the auxiliary oiler and replenishment ship ‘Patiño’.

The ‘Blas de Lezo’ operates a flagship of the task group embarking the FOSH-23 Staff until the end of May. This is the second consecutive time a Spanish Navy frigate operates as command ship of ‘Formidable Shield’.

FOSH-23 is a high value advanced training exercise for the units and crews involved, where missiles are fired in a dense electromagnetic environment similar to the ones found in high intensity scenarios.

The ship’s crew successfully implemented the anti-missile defense procedures of the SN’s 31st Escort Squadron, engaging and destroying a supersonic sea-skimming target. The prompt and efficient response of the ship against this type of threats –thanks to her state-of-the-art AEGIS combat system– underlines, once more, the strong protection capability of these modern escorts.

On this occasion, other allied frigates and destroyers from Italy, the Netherlands and France also fired anti-air missiles.

During the coming scheduled events of this multinational exercise, the Spanish frigate will continue to boast her powerful capabilities as command ship and anti-air escort.

The participation of the SN frigate in this type of activities is a sign of Spain’s commitment to NATO’s Policy of Deterrence and Defense to warrant peace, world security and international law, in addition to strengthening the image of our Armed Forces in the international context.