Luftbild der Fregatte MECKLENBURG-VORPOMMERN während des Einsatzes im Mittelmeer

On Tuesday, November 8, 2022 at 9.30 a.m., the frigate “Mecklenburg-Vorpommern” returned to Wilhelmshaven from a NATO mission.

With our return to Wilhelmshaven, our second mission this year comes to an end,” says frigate captain Hendrik Wißler (45). led the Atlantic to the Portuguese coast in summer before it then went in a national association across the Arctic Circle to Andoya in northern Norway, which was already slightly wintry.”

The tour, which lasted almost three months, was characterized throughout by demanding maneuvers on a multinational and national scale, with the last phase with the Heimdall 2022 and Vision 2022 projects for exercising joint tactical fire support in Norway and subsequent training in submarine hunting standing out in particular.

Another special experience for the crew was the northern lights that could be observed in northern Norway.

The “Mecklenburg-Vorpommern” comes home with a crew of 195 soldiers, including 16 officer candidates who completed their internship on board as part of their training.

Also on board was a helicopter component from Naval Aviation Squadron 5 from Nordholz with two Sea Lynx MK 88A. During the seafaring project, the ship covered 12,237 nautical miles, or around 23,000 kilometers.