The Inspector of the Navy, Vice Admiral Jan Christian Kaack, presented the annual report of the Naval Command published on 8 November at the Maritime Convention in Berlin.

“The Russian war of aggression in February of this year provided a clear example of the vulnerability of our basic understanding of security policy, but also of the free sea routes,” said Kaack on the defining topic of 2022.

The regional conflict has global consequences. Grain of Ukraine which does not reach its destination due to lack of transport facilities, lack of food in the Federal Republic or shortage of fuel reserves. The effects are felt by everyone.

Especially for Germany as an industrial and trading nation, the unrestricted usability of global sea routes has always been of existential importance. The reliable import of raw materials and the secure export of goods ensure the functionality of the economy and thus of society.

Vice Admiral Kaack said: “In order to ensure the freedom and security of global sea routes, our navy is deployed around the world day and night. At the same time, we are ready to defend our country and our allies against all aggressors.”

The special fund and the announced permanent increase in defense investments are of great importance for creating the necessary framework conditions for the Bundeswehr.

The figures, data and facts in this report illustrate in a vivid way why the sea is vital to all of our lives. This report is intended to provide information again this year, to present contexts and thus make it clear why our country cannot avoid protecting its maritime interests.