On May 4, 2023, as part of its sea trials off Toulon, the Jacques Chevallier force supply ship (BRF) carried out its first so-called “triple” refueling at sea (RAM), for the benefit of the Forbin and the Marne, on three refueling stations: two liquids and one solid.
The rendezvous between these three buildings marks the first RAM sizing of the BRF, with a cumulative fuel delivery rate of more than 1000 m3 per hour, as well as the delivery of several dozen pallets. For the Jacques Chevallier, this is the culmination of the qualification of all its refueling facilities at sea.
“This first sizing RAM went very well. This is a satisfaction for the entire crew and especially for the youngest manoeuvrers, for whom it was a great first. The training, preparation and motivation of the teams made it possible to carry out this maneuver smoothly and safely,” says Chief Petty Officer Djamal, bosco (chief maneuvering) of Jacques Chevallier.
EV Arnaud, head of the Jacques Chevallier’s FLOAT department, adds: “This triple RAM represents the culmination of more than two years of work, from the analysis of the first plans in Saint-Nazaire to the actual pumping of fuel to the supported buildings, including commissioning tests. This is a great victory for the crew whose investment has been constant. »
The highlight of the Jacques Chevallier’s sea trials and an important step towards its admission to active service, this RAM is also an opportunity for BRF sailors to salute one last time, before its retirement from active service, the command and supply ship Marne, from which many of them came.