The Ministry of the Navy, through the Mexican Navy, informs that yesterday, within the framework of the “110th Anniversary of the Heroic Deed of the defense of the port of Veracruz on April 21, 1914”, the Exercise of the Maritime Security and Protection Initiative for North America was developed bilaterally. “NAMSI GOMEX Phase 1 2024” (North America Maritime Security Initiative), aboard the ARM Ocean Patrol. “Independencia” (PO-163) in conjunction with the Tenochtitlán-class Coastal Patrol ARM “UXMAL” (PC-335), with the purpose of participating with the United States Coast Guard, headquartered in the port of Corpus Christi, Texas. USA.

The objective of the exercise “NAMSI GOMEX PHASE 1” is to promote the strengthening of capabilities and appropriate practices between the maritime forces of Mexico (Mexican Navy), the U.S. (Coast Guard and Northern Command) and Canada (Maritime Component Command), in order to increase maritime security and security in the North American region; Likewise, interoperability through the exchange of information, development of exercises, seminars, protocols and coordination of operations.

It should be noted that on this occasion the participation of the Canadian Maritime Component Command was not possible, so the trilateral exercise was carried out this time between the neighboring maritime forces of Mexico and the United States.

Part of the capabilities to be strengthened among the friendly armed forces during the development of the “NAMSI GOMEX PHASE 1” are exercises of Search and Rescue at sea, Maintenance of the Rule of Law and application of Law at sea, formations and tactical evolutions, maritime detection and interdiction, with the participation of observers and controllers from both nations. also carrying out exercises to eliminate language barriers through simulated scenarios in which interoperability between the two nations can be perfected.

In this way, the Ministry of the Navy, through the Mexican Navy, shows its commitment to the citizenry to strengthen the operational capabilities of its personnel through the exchange of knowledge and techniques carried out during this multinational interaction between friendly nations, with the sole purpose of strengthening the security and protection of the seas and coasts of the Gulf of Mexico region and North America.