At the meeting of the Supervisory Board of the Museum of Naval Glory in the Island of Forts cluster in Kronstadt, the final concept of the permanent exhibition was approved, which will present the shipyards and design bureaus of the United Shipbuilding Corporation

On April 24, a meeting of the Supervisory Expert Council on the creation of the Museum of Naval Glory in the Island of Forts cluster in Kronstadt was held. The advisory body included Deputy Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation Timur Ivanov, Deputy Commander-in-Chief of the Navy of the Russian Federation Vladislav Pavlov, General Director of United Shipbuilding Corporation JSC Alexei Rakhmanov, General Director of Marine Instrumentation Corporation JSC Leonid Strugov, representatives of enterprises and design bureaus, scientific and educational institutes, public organizations related to the fleet and maritime activities.

As a result of the meeting, the finalized concept of the permanent exposition of the Museum was approved. It provides for a separate section, which will be devoted to the activities of the design bureaus and shipyards of the United Shipbuilding Corporation. Direct participation in the development of the concept of the exposition was taken by more than three dozen experts, including those from USC and its enterprises.

“The concept was created with the involvement of a large number of experts who developed scenarios and exhibition solutions, collected and adapted for visitors of all ages and levels of training a huge amount of information about what a fleet is, what role it plays in society, how it was created and developed, what are regularities and cause-and-effect relationships of the evolution of maritime activity in Russia. By now, the concept of the exposition has been finalized. We conducted its final iteration by members of the Supervisory Expert Council for the creation of the Museum, received support and approval, and are entering the implementation phase. The opening of the Museum is already on July 30 – on the Day of the Navy, so we will keep the pace of work as high as possible, ”said Ksenia Shoigu, head of the project office for the creation of the tourist and recreational cluster Island of Forts.

“Here, without a doubt, we are acting strictly in the wake of the instructions of the President and his national projects, implementing them in a number of areas. The Museum of Naval Glory is a future bright spot on the map of the cultural geography of St. Petersburg,” said Vice Governor of St. Petersburg Boris Piotrovsky.

“The foundations of engineering and scientific thinking need to be laid at a very early age. And in this work our main allies are modern museums. Indeed, today these are not just halls with dusty antiques, but large-scale educational spaces where information is presented visually, systematized and exciting. The opportunity to touch the exhibits with your hands, understand the principle of the mechanism, look not only into the past, but also into the future – everything is done in order to interest, form an image of thought and encourage you to choose a specialty. And in this regard, the Museum of Naval Glory in Kronstadt is certainly one of the most progressive not only in Russia, but throughout the world,” said Alexei Rakhmanov, General Director of USC.

“The concept of the Museum was developed, among other things, with representatives of the Malachite Design Bureau. Separately, I note that very often in such work we delve into subtleties, details, but often – and in this case – it was very important to convey exactly the basic things, so to speak, the information of the “first derivative”. And from this point of view, the concept of the Museum of Naval Glory is absolutely correct… As for the topic of technology in the exposition, it is very nice to see, for example, issues related to nuclear energy in its composition. This is the nuclear submarine K-3 – not only the first Soviet nuclear submarine, but a national project dedicated to the introduction of nuclear energy in submarine shipbuilding, and the story of A. Aleksandrov, whose name is associated with the creation of nuclear submarines in particular and domestic nuclear energy in general.

Photo “Isle of Forts”