Mobilizing the entire crew of the FS Prairial, the exercise involved the protection brigade and the marine firefighters of the Papeete naval base, the branch of the Intervention Group of the National Gendarmerie, the Regional Intervention Group Neutralization (GRIN) and Destruction of Explosives (NEDEX) of French Polynesia and the detachment of marine fusiliers of the Military Aeronautical Group (GAM) of Faa’a. The medical team on board the Prairial was supported by the medical branch in Arue.

After triggering an intrusion alert and then an explosive threat, the units faced a scenario of an attack by armed terrorists, coupled with a hostage-taking on board the vessel resulting in a massive influx of casualties. This fictitious attack mobilized the protection brigades of the Prairial and the naval base as a first responder, which were then supported by the GRIN in order to neutralize the explosives present on board.

Nine injured people were made up in order to simulate stab or firearm wounds, and ultimately to reinforce the realism of the exercise. After the first first aid in combat by the sailors on board and once the situation had stabilized, the medical teams were able to prepare and transfer the wounded to a secure area of the frigate and take care of them.

In addition, this exercise highlighted the excellent coordination of the resources and procedures of the FAPF working in a concrete way for regional security and the protection of the French people.

The 1200 military and civilian members of the Armed Forces in French Polynesia (FAPF) constitute a pre-positioned joint force with a naval focus, which, with the Armed Forces in New Caledonia (FANC), has the main mission of ensuring France’s sovereignty over the “Asia-Pacific theater”. By relying on the FAPF, France, a riparian nation, is able to intervene in the event of natural disasters, to fight against threats and illegal trafficking, to affirm its commitment to international law and freedom of navigation, and to lead regional military cooperation with all the countries bordering the Pacific area.