Three multi-mission frigates (FREMM) based in Brest, Normandie, Auvergne and Aquitaine, two Brest-based deep-sea patrol vessels (PHM), Commandant Blaison and Premiere-Matre L’Her, the Command and Supply Ship (BCR) Somme and a nuclear attack submarine (SSN) gathered from 16 to 18 October in the Bay of Biscay for an anti-submarine warfare exercise.

In this exercise, the Normandy, its embarked helicopter Caïman Marine and the SSN slipped into the skin of a hostile force. For the duration of the exercise, they embodied the adversaries of their colleagues. Their objective: to disrupt the implementation of the strategy of the blue team, itself composed of the PHM, the BCR and the FREMM Auvergne and Aquitaine.

To fully assume its role and test the skills of the blue team and more particularly those of their anti-submarine warfare (AX) officers evaluated on this occasion, Normandy and its red team showed unpredictability throughout the three phases of training.

At the same time, safety exercises (SECUREX) and operational capability control exercises (MACOPEX) were held in the buildings in order to test the skills of the entire crew in dynamic and demanding scenarios.

Thanks to the complementarity between the frigate, the submarine and the helicopter, the red team was able to carry out its mission. These few days of mutual training allowed each crew to highlight their operational capabilities and to perfect the collaboration between the different units.