A detachment of warships of the Pacific Fleet, consisting of the large anti-submarine ship Admiral Tributs and the medium sea tanker Pechenga, as part of a long-distance sea voyage in the Asia-Pacific region, arrived with a business call at the port of Visakhapatnam of the Republic of India.

It notes that the mooring of Russian ships in the port of Visakhapatnam is scheduled until November 20.

“A solemn welcoming ceremony of Russian ships was held at the main base of the Eastern Fleet of the Indian Navy, protocol, cultural and sports events are planned for Pacific sailors,” the navy said.

From November 7 to 9, the Admiral Tributs together with the Admiral Panteleyev conducted an exercise with a frigate and a corvette of the Myanmar Navy in the Andaman Sea. It was the first Russian-Myanmar naval exercise in modern history.