OPV “MARINERO FUENTEALBA” sailed to Chilean Antarctic Territory March 14th within the framework of the Antarctic Commission 2023. For 15 days it plans to resupply the maritime station of Bahía Fildes, the General Bernardo O’Higgins base, in addition to supporting maritime signaling tasks in inhabited lighthouses, in the extreme south of the country.

The Commander of the Unit, Commander Bernhard Arentsen, stressed the importance of carrying out these tasks in the Chilean Antarctic Territory, “since it is essential for the safe transit of the units that navigate through that territory.” In addition, he said he hoped that in this navigation they can comply with the instructions of the Command and strengthen the teamwork on board, in order to execute all the tasks with the greatest tranquility and safety.

With regard to the preparations prior to sailing, the Constable of the ship, Petty Officer Marco Valenzuela, mentioned that “the preparations are oriented, in the first instance, to the safety of the ship, for which we carry out the relevant security round and the lashing for the sea of the respective departments.” He also said that “the logistical aspects are prepared in relation to the materials and food that we have to deliver to the Antarctic continent.”

During the next few days, the ship will cross the Drake Passage, known for being the meeting between the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans, to later begin the process of supporting the tasks of maritime signaling and replenishment of bases.