On November 10, 2022, Admiral Pierre Vandier, Chief of the Naval Staff, signed the operational entry into service of the Atlantique 2 renovated to standard 6, the latest version of the maritime patrol aircraft.

Two years after the promulgation of the first operational capability, this capability milestone attests to the ability of the aircraft to conduct the entire spectrum of missions assigned to it.

Upgrading the Atlantique 2 to standard 6 gives it new capabilities, in particular thanks to the new digital acoustic processing system, the Searchmaster radar , the new electro-optical sensor and the new tactical computer to accommodate the updated version of the Operational Information Processing Software (LOTI).

Nine aircraft having been modified, the Atlantique 2 standard 6 has already demonstrated its full effectiveness during operations conducted in the Baltic Sea, in the central and eastern Mediterranean, in the Indian Ocean or in the Gulf of Guinea, but also off the approaches French as part of its participation in the maritime defense of the territory.

This profound renovation of the Atlantique 2 makes it a competitive tool in the face of modern threats. Thus, until their end of life, by 2035, the 18 aircraft brought to standard 6 will enable France to remain at the level of its most efficient allies.