Die Vizepräsidentin des BAAINBw unterschreibt gemeinsam mit dem Geschäftsführer der ARCHE Systeme GmbH, Joachim Ristau, die Verträge / Weiterer Text über ots und www.presseportal.de/nr/147341 / Die Verwendung dieses Bildes für redaktionelle Zwecke ist unter Beachtung aller mitgeteilten Nutzungsbedingungen zulässig und dann auch honorarfrei. Veröffentlichung ausschließlich mit Bildrechte-Hinweis.

On November 28, 2022, a contract was signed between the Federal Office of Bundeswehr Equipment, Information Technology and In-Service Support (BAAINBw) and ARCHE Systeme GmbH for the delivery of the “Radar Navigation System/ECDIS/AIS” (RadEA) as a core component of the nautical guidance system on ships and boats and shore offices of the Navy closed. The conversion of the ships and boats will already start in the first quarter of 2023. The project is to be completed with the last unit in 2028.

With the contract for the regeneration of the RadEA, the Bundeswehr is able to maintain the ability for 40 ships and boats to safely participate in maritime traffic until the end of the useful life of the units. This also includes the renewal of various facilities on land, which are required, among other things, for the training of soldiers and the maintenance of the systems. The basis for using the RadEA is an international convention for the safety of life at sea. The publisher of the convention is the International Maritime Organization (IMO), a special agency of the United Nations. This convention requires all commercial ships in international maritime traffic to be equipped with an automatic ship identification system (AIS).

In 2006, based on this equipment requirement, the new nautical guidance system RadEA was introduced into the German Navy. RadEA consists of the standard core components radar navigation systems, electronic chart display and information system (ECDIS) and automatic identification system (AIS).

The previous system has been in use for 16 years and now needs to be replaced. For example, the performance parameters to be met have been tightened by the IMO. Updating is also required to prepare for the use of future chart standards.