The ships of the Brazilian Squadron were open, yesterday (21), for public visits in the ports of the cities of Cabedelo (PB), Fortaleza (CE), Natal (RN) and Recife (PE). Naval resources are being used in Operation “Aspirantex“ 2024, which is divided into two stages: operational exercises at sea, with the participation of Aspirants from the Naval Academy, and assistance actions in support of the State in the municipalities visited.

In Fortaleza, the Multipurpose Aircraft Ship (NAM) “Atlântico” received around 2,500 people. In addition to seeing the largest warship in the country, visitors had the opportunity to see the armored vehicles of the Marines and helicopters of the Brazilian Navy (MB). The public was also able to learn about the equipment used by MB soldiers, such as: remotely piloted aircraft; surface missile; diving equipment; and precision shooting and combat in a confined environment.

The frigate “Independência”, docked in Natal (RN), registered the presence of 600 people. In Cabedelo (PB), more than 1,800 visitors came to see the Frigate “União”. They were also able to see the bridge – maneuver command location -, helicopter and combat weapons, such as a .40 mm cannon. In Recife (PE), the number rose to 2,600 adults and children on the Fragata “Constituição”.

Today (22), the Squadron’s ships undock from their respective cities and sail towards Salvador (BA) and Maceió (AL). Along the way, the MB’s naval and air assets will carry out operational training, of a strictly military nature. Follow the Brazilian Navy’s social media to see the public visitation schedule.