While waiting for the weather windows that allow logistics by air, the Navy ship remains in López de Bertodano Bay, after supplying and replacing part of the Esperanza Base crew.

With the outgoing crew of the Joint Antarctic Base (BAC) Esperanza aboard the icebreaker ARA “Almirante Irízar” since last Saturday, finally anchored in the Bahía López de Bertodano in front of the BAC Marambio, last Tuesday it was possible to retreat to the continent to the families and outgoing crew of Esperanza, via Marambio, using the icebreaker, Sea King helicopter and a C-130 Hercules aircraft.

In the area, the glaciological conditions of the surrounding bays are constantly observed from on board, while the meteorological staff permanently analyzes the intermittent weather windows – generally negative – prevailing in the area of the Marambio base.

However, air operations are progressing little by little with a great effort by the Embarked Air Group (GAE) and the icebreaker’s deck maneuvering team, generally starting activities at dawn due to the early presence of sunlight. During the day, if they are suspended due to poor visibility or strong winds, personnel remain on call as conditions change rapidly.

In the midst of these activities, on Wednesday morning in the vicinity of James Ross Island, the transfer and deployment of the structure of an Antarctic refuge was carried out which, because it was a load of more than 2 tons in weight, required an exhaustive scheduling of the flight in search of the most suitable meteorological window to carry it out.

In the afternoon of the same Wednesday, and after coordinating a meeting with the ARA “Bahía Agradable” notice, personnel were transferred using smaller vessels to the unit dependent on the Maritime Patrol Division (DVPM), a participant in this CAV 2023/ 24; to be distributed in the permanent bases Esperanza and Petrel, and in the temporary ones Brown and Decepción.

In accordance with the activities planned in this first stage and according to the hydrometeorological conditions, the ARA icebreaker “Almirante Irízar” plans to remain in the vicinity of the Marambio base, to continue refueling; and then recover and transfer scientific personnel at the BAC Petrel and at the Carlini Scientific Antarctic Base.