On September 11th, the inauguration ceremony of the “Logistics Hub” for the Italian FREMM Frigates took place in the presence of Vice Admiral Pasquale de Candia, Director of the Navy Shipyard in Taranto, and Mr. Antonio Longobardi, Head of Business Area with Leonardo.

The hub, which is located within the Italian Navy dockyard in Taranto, was established with the aim of improving the management of recoverable items of the combat systems of the FREMM Frigates, reducing delivery time to replace faulty items from the ship to the workshop and generally, to reduce the logistics Turn Around Time.

The establishment of this Logistics Hub is an important initiative made possible through the strong cooperation and coordination between OCCAR, Industry and the Italian Navy supported through a flexible tool that is the Through Life Sustainment Management (TLSM) contract.

The Logistics Hub represents a significant step forward towards overall more effective and efficient logistics support that will continuously improve logistics support and its processes for the Italian FREMM Frigates.