KRI Sultan Hasanuddin-366 elements of Satkor Koarmada II were tasked with carrying out the Passing Exercise (Passex) with the Chinese Navy ship Qi Jiguang-83 before the ship left Indonesian waters to continue the voyage, located in the waters of the Java Sea. Wednesday (20/9).

The implementation of Passex was also attended by 18 cadets of the Level IV Naval Academy of the Marine Corps who were carrying out Weapons Practical Training (Lattek) at KRI Sultan Hasanuddin-366.

In addition to aiming to strengthen diplomatic relations between countries and provide experience to Naval Academy cadets before serving in the KRI, Passex is useful for improving the ability of soldiers to carry out the duties and responsibilities given to protect Indonesian waters.

This activity is an order from the Commander of the Navy Laksda Yayan Sofyan, S.T., M.Si., CHRMP., M.Tr.Opsla., as an effort to hone the ability and professionalism of Navy soldiers, especially Koarmada II soldiers in carrying out their duties and responsibilities in protecting Indonesian waters.