On the sidelines of the maritime security patrol, one of the elements of the Fast Boat Unit (Satkat) of Koarmada III, namely KRI Panah-626, arrived and docked at the Samabusa Public Harbor in Nabire, Central Papua, where on this occasion the Commander of the Nabire Navy Base (Lanal), Lt. Col. Marine (P) Pius Herdasa Krisna Mukti and Staff Officers carried out Merplug to welcome the arrival of KRI Panah-626 when it docked. Thursday (25/01/24).

Furthermore, after docking, the Commander of KRI Panah-626 Marine Lieutenant Colonel (P) Irianto Kurniawan, B.Eng., MSS, M.Tr. Opsla together with Commander Lanal Nabire paid a courtesy visit to the Acting Governor of Central Papua Dr. Rebekah Haluk, S. SOS., MM, who was received directly in the office of the Acting Governor of Central Papua.

On this occasion, the Acting Governor of Central Papua expressed his pride in the presence of the KRI Panah-626 which is currently docked at Nabire Harbor. “We, the people of Central Papua, feel proud of the presence of the KRI Panah-626, where this warship is the work of the nation’s children which deserves appreciation, this is extraordinary to be proud of, especially since the KRI Panah-626 can be present in Nabire and can be seen directly by the community,” he said. .

Furthermore, the Acting Governor of Central Papua expressed his gratitude to all KRI Panah-626 Soldiers who have given the public the opportunity to see and visit one of the defense equipment owned by this nation, and it is hoped that the younger generation of children can be motivated by their sense of patriotism towards this nation. especially the more I love the TNI, especially the TNI AL.

On the other hand, the Commander of KRI Panah-626 expressed his gratitude for the welcome from the Acting Governor and the people of Nabire for the arrival of elements of the Koarmada III warship which was carrying out maritime security patrol duties in the waters of Northern Papua.

The task being carried out is an order from the Commander of Fleet Command (Pangkoarmada) III, Rear Admiral TNI Hersan, SH, M.Si., M.Tr.Opsla as a form of Koarmada III’s commitment to increasing patrols and presence at sea, as well as increasing deepening maritime potential in the waters of Koarmada III, especially in the waters of Cendrawasih Bay, said the KRI Commander.