Following the Handing Over, Taking Over Ceremony held in Changi Naval Base, the newly transferred OPV Al Faruq has arrived in Brunei Darussalam bringing home her first crew of 8 officers and 30 ratings captained by Lieutenant Commander Pengiran Khairul Anwar bin Pengiran Dr. Haji Abu Bakar RBN. Al Faruq’s arrival was received with a welcoming ceremony attended by Captain Haji Sarif Pudin bin Matserudin, Acting Commander Royal Brunei Navy. Also present were members of the RBN Executive Board, officers, ratings, as well as families of AL-FARUQ’s first crew.

Upon Al Faruq’s arrival, her first crew performed “sujud syukur” as a form of gratitude to Allah Subhanahu Wata’ala. The welcoming ceremony was followed by a Doa Selamat recital and Doa Khas before concluding with a session between Al Faruq’s first crew and the Acting Commander RBN Royal Brunei Navy.