Den Helder, 23 augustus 2024 Aankomst Zr. Ms. Karel Doorman na een missie van vier maanden op de Rode Zee

The logistics and supply ship HNLMS Karel Doorman has returned from the EU operation Aspides in the Red Sea. The ship has helped protect international shipping from the threat of Houthis. Today the Karel Doorman arrived in Den Helder.

With a crew of over 250 people, the navy provided logistical support and medical capacity in the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden over the past 4 months. Karel Doorman provided other participating ships with fuel, ammunition and goods. In addition, the ship served as flagship of the operation from the sea for some time.

People along the quay.

The ship also played an important role in averting drone and missile attacks. This was done by making environmental images with a radar. For example, the crew warned the Greek navy ship HS Psara on the night of 8 July about 2 approaching drones. The Greeks then neutralized these.

The Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden are connected by the narrow Bab el Mandeb Strait. This is a crucial route for commercial shipping between Asia and Europe. The Netherlands, like other European countries, has an economic interest in the safe and unhindered transport of goods by sea. If this is not possible, Dutch consumers may face price increases on products.

During the mission, Karel Doorman also provided medical assistance. For example, a passenger on a merchant ship was treated on board. The man had been injured by a missile attack by Houthis.

The ship has a hospital with 2 operating rooms especially for these types of cases. There is also a medical team of approximately 50 people on board.

With a length of 205 meters, Karel Doorman is the largest ship in the navy.