The landing troops of the 11th Marine Infantry Battalion carried out the L-1 Embarkation Debarkation exercise from the sea using the KRI Teluk Lada-521 ship which was located in the sea area of ​​Koarmada III Pier, Salawati District, Sorong Regency, Southwest Papua Province, Tuesday (28/02/2024 ).

The training activity began with checking the completeness of personnel and materials, then continued with saying a prayer to ask for safety and smooth running during the training.

The aim of carrying out this training is to hone the combat instincts of each Marine Corps Landing Forces Fighter Soldier who will carry out the Embarkation Debarkation from the sea to the process of landing the troops on the landing beach, so that they will be more alert, Quick and Resilient in Conquering Enemy Targets.

Lt. Col. Mar Rowin Z. Simarmata, M.Tr. Opsla., (Commander of Marine Battalion 11), said that “because in essence Marine Corps Soldiers are Landing Force Soldiers, where each Fighter Soldier is capable of landing from sea to land to conquer enemy targets quickly and in a planned manner, carry out this training as best as possible “, because this training hones our skills in carrying out amphibious operations.

Don’t forget to always start by saying a prayer for protection and smoothness during the training and prioritizing safety factors in every activity,” said Danyonif 11 Marines.