The Indonesian Navy, which sent two warships each KRI John Lie-358 and KRI Sampari-628 in the framework of the Joint Exercise entitled Helang Laut 20B/22 successfully completed the Sea Phase in the Territorial Waters of Brunei Darussalam with the Royal Brunei Navy, Friday (25/ 11/2022).

The Sea Phase exercise carried out by the two warships that are members of the 20B/22 Sea Helang Latma Task Force includes Leaving Harbor, OOW Maneuvering Exercise, Syntex, Gunnery Exercise, Flaghoist, Flashex, Screenex, Night Encounter Exercise, SAG Procedure, and VBSS after previously being carried out Exercise Discussion and Presail Brief at the Multi National Coordination Center, Muara Naval Base.

On this occasion, the Commander of KRI John Lie-358, Marine Colonel (P) Abdul Haris as the Commander of the Task Force conveyed to all Indonesian Navy soldiers that this exercise is a duty entrusted by the state to us, in addition to honing the professionalism of soldiers, as well as a means of military diplomacy for the sake of maintaining friendly relations with friendly countries as well as increasing interoperability and uniformity of procedures in dealing with various issues and threats to maritime security (Maritime Security).

The Indonesian Navy under the leadership of Admiral TNI Yudo Margono continues to strive to improve the field of joint training, both bilateral and multilateral. This illustrates how important the cooperation between the Indonesian Navy and friendly countries is to maintain regional security stability and build international trust in the Indonesian Navy.