On 20 March, the FS Lyre joined Standing NATO Mine Countermeasures Group 2 (SNMCMG2), a NATO mine hunting group, in the Mediterranean Sea. The NATO group is currently under the command of a Turkish General Staff.

During its integration, the various exercises conducted aim to train sailors to conduct mine warfare actions in constituted force. These different sequences carried out with the NATO group demonstrate the effectiveness of cooperation between partners and promote mutual tactical enrichment.

This training is necessary for NATO’s Task Group (TG) to act effectively when operating in more sensitive areas. Under the operational control of NATO’s Maritime Command, the TG set sail from the port of Sude in Crete and is now transiting to the Adriatic.

The tripartite minehunters of the French Navy are equipped with the necessary equipment for the search, identification and destruction of mines and explosive devices on the bottom. Their main mission is the fight against the threat of mines in operations. Intervening in front of military and civilian ports, their role is also to secure approaches and guarantee the safety of maritime traffic routes. They also maintain the most accurate possible mapping of the seabed around French points of interest.