On 25 and 26 April 2024, the Senior Commander of the Armed Forces in New Caledonia, alongside the High Commissioner of the Republic and many civil and military authorities, veterans and many students, honored the memory of the fallen Australian and New Zealand soldiers.

The “Dawn Service” took place very early on so that New Caledonia respectfully salutes the commemoration of the sacrifice of the men and women who have served Australia and New Zealand and its allies during all wars, conflicts and peacekeeping operations. On 25 April, the ceremony took place in Bir Hakeim Square in Noumea and on 26 April, at the Nessadiou cemetery in Bourial commune.

France’s attachment to ANZAC Day is important, because of the thousands of young Pacific fighters who died on our battlefields. Many war memorials in mainland France perpetuate their memory.

The brotherhood of arms among our soldiers on the battlefield has created unbreakable ties between our countries, which are reflected in strong strategic partnerships that the Armed Forces in New Caledonia are committed to perpetuating with the Australian and New Zealand Armed Forces.

On the occasion of ANZAC Day, everyone wears a poppy, evocative of those of European wheat fields that have become battlefields (it is the equivalent of the Blueberry of France).

The Armed Forces in New Caledonia (FANC) allowing France to have a permanent military presence in the South Pacific Ocean in order to protect French interests in the region and to maintain France’s military partnerships in this area of strategic interest. With more than 1,650 military personnel, the FANC provides regular support to State missions at sea. They have the capacity to intervene to deal with a security or climate crisis affecting the area. The FANC regularly shares its expertise in the field of HADR or maritime security with security and defense forces in partner countries in the South Pacific.