The France Ambassador to Mexico was welcomed on board the PHA, as well as Mexican civil and military authorities including Admiral Julio Cesar Pescina, Commander of the 22nd Naval Region, to discuss defense issues.

The 120 GTE soldiers from the 1st Spahis Regiment, the 13th Foreign Legion Demi-Brigade, the 1st Foreign Engineer Regiment, the 3rd Marine Artillery Regiment and the 7th Army Medical Center participated in three days of operational cooperation with the 22nd Mexican Marine Infantry Battalion.

The first day was devoted to a visit to the Diksmuide for the benefit of Mexican soldiers where the French were able to explain the amphibious capability of the PHA and the mission distributions of the 40 armored vehicles used by the soldiers of the Army.
On the second day, the EWG practiced with the Mexicans in shooting, amphibious assaults, as well as rappelling and smoothrope at the Acapulco naval base. The day ended with a night nautical raid on the island of La Roqueta near Acapulco. On the last day, soldiers from both countries were able to carry out a complete nautical raid.
Although every year, a delegation of the French Foreign Legion participates in the Camerone ceremonies in this South American country, this is the first time that tactical training brings together the French and Mexican armies, thus allowing to begin a new joint work to develop interoperability.

On the maritime side, the frigate La Fayette and the Mexican frigate Benito Juarez organized exchanges between officers aboard the two ships. In order to close the cooperation of the Jeanne d’Arc 2023 group with the Mexican Navy, the Diksmuide conducted exercises at sea with the Benito Juarez, after its departure on June 9, before resuming its circumnavigation towards the Panama Canal, then the French West Indies.

The JEANNE D’ARC 2023 mission is a long-term operational deployment around the world thanks to which the France ensures its presence in several areas of major strategic interest, while offering a concrete and realistic training framework to the cadet officers embarked.