For the third consecutive year, units of the French Navy are winners of the “Hook ‘Em award”. Created in 1975, this distinction, awarded by the commander of the US 6th Fleet (C6F), rewards the most efficient units in terms of anti-submarine warfare.

This Excellence Award was presented this year by Vice Admiral Wing Ishee (C6F) to Vice Admiral Wing Boidevezi, Commander Task Force 470 (CTF 470) and Multi-Mission Frigates (FREMM) Auvergne , Britagne , Languedoc and Provence, for their deployments in the Mediterranean in coordination with the United States Navy.

Usually awarded to American units, this prize is awarded for the fourth time, in total, to French units. It thus marks the recognition of French know-how and the high degree of trust accorded by our American partners.

The high-performance sensors and the information processing, analysis and intervention capabilities of the FREMM and their onboard Caïman Marine helicopter make them formidable and recognized submarine hunters. Trained and trained, the crews of the Navy have acquired expertise to implement them during the operations entrusted to them. They are now recognized as among the best in the world.