The Freezing Winds 23 exercise, led by the Navy, will end on 1 December. During the exercise, Finland’s coast and maritime traffic were protected in cooperation between the services, the Allies and the partners through a naval operation.

During the exercise, the conscripts who started their service in January and July of this year had the opportunity to test and demonstrate their skills. The more than 400 reservists participating in the exercise developed their duties in emergency conditions.

“We will continue to exercise actively together with our allies. The support of our allies and partners in the implementation of the exercise has been of a high standard. The concept of the Freezing Winds exercise supports the development of Finland’s naval defence and the know-how of our personnel in an excellent way,” says Exercise Director, Commodore Juhapekka Rautava.

At the end of the exercise, foreign and Finnish marching detachments will be on the roads of Southwest Finland and Western Uusimaa during 30.11.-1.12.

In connection with the end of the exercise, NATO’s Mine Action Detachment SNMCMG1 (six vessels) will also visit Hernesaari in Helsinki on 1-4 December and the UK’s RFA Mounts Bay on 1-6 December.