As part of the strategic partnership between France and the United Arab Emirates, the Abu Dhabi naval base is one of the 3 sites of French forces stationed in the United Arab Emirates (FFEAU).

Located in the heart of the Arabian-Persian Gulf, the strategic location of the naval base provides the ships of the French Navy – but also those of our partners, particularly within the framework of the EMASoH mission – with logistical support allowing the regeneration of crews and buildings in order to guarantee the maintenance of operations and the ability to last at sea: resupply of food, fuel, spare parts, maintenance, etc.

From December 30, 2022 to January 05, 2023, the FFEAU naval base hosted the La Fayette (FLF) type frigate Guépratte as part of its deployment for the benefit of Operation AGENOR, the military pillar of the multinational European-Led Maritime initiative Awareness in the strait of Hormuz (EMASoH).

Since its opening in 2009, the FFEAU naval base has recorded 519 calls, which testifies to the importance of its location for the French naval forces deployed in the area.

With nearly 700 soldiers deployed, the French Forces stationed in the United Arab Emirates (FFEAU) constitute one of France’s advanced operational bases abroad. As such, it supports the French military resources deployed in the Arabo-Persian Gulf and the northern Indian Ocean. Thanks to its hardening conditions, it also makes it possible to train French soldiers for combat actions in desert and urban areas. As commander of the Indian Ocean maritime zone (ALINDIEN), COMFOR FFEAU exercises its authority over a maritime zone extending from the south of the Suez Canal in the west, and east to the western limits of the waters Burma, Indonesia and Australia. He promotes France’s defense policy there and coordinates bilateral military relations.