The ships of Russia and China after the completion of joint exercises in the Sea of Japan go to Vladivostok, the press service of the Pacific Fleet of the Russian Federation reported.

“After the completion of the exercise, the ships of Russia and China headed for Vladivostok,” the report said.

The North/Interaction-2023 exercise took place in the Sea of Japan from July 20 to 23.
According to the Pacific Fleet, the Russian Navy was represented at the exercises by the large anti-submarine ships Admiral Tributs and Admiral Panteleyev, the corvettes Hero of the Russian Federation Aldar Tsydenzhapov and Gremyashchy, as well as support vessels.

From the PLA Navy, the destroyers Qiqihar and Guiyang, the Zaozhuang and Rizhao patrol ships, as well as the Taihu integrated supply ship were involved in the exercise.