Our warships are actively deployed on a national and international level. Several mine hunters, the frigate Louise-Marie, the patrol vessels Castor and Pollux, and the oceanographic research vessel Belgica are currently sailing in national and international waters. Who is where? Let’s take a look.
The frigate Louise-Marie is in the final phase of the reprocessing process that should make her fully operational. After this it will be ready for international deployment on behalf of NATO.
The mine hunter Bellis is currently training with many other NATO ships in the North Sea. As part of NMCMG1 (Standing NATO Mine Counter Measure Group 1), the ship participates in strengthening international cooperation with our allies.

The minehunter Crocus is in the final phase of its “Safety and Readiness Check” (SARC). This week the Crocus will be tested by the Mine Officer Sea Training (MOST) team, so that the ship and crew can optimally start their future missions.

The mine hunters Primula and Narcis are currently sailing in international waters with Navy Academy (NAC) students. Candidate officers of the Royal Military School (KMS) and the Antwerp Maritime Academy, social promotions and candidate navigators are further trained in practice to master the tricks of the trade. They are assisted by various instructors from the NAC and by the crews of both mine hunters.

The patrol ship Pollux has special recruitment students on board and goes to sea off the Belgian coast to teach these students a lot of navigation exercises.

The patrol ship Castor is on regular duty this week. Commissioned by the Maritime Information Crossroads (MIK), it carries out assignments off the Belgian coast and in our Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ). The assignment consists of checking ships, ensuring that shipping regulations are observed, preventing or combating pollution, etc.

The research vessel Belgica is also currently in Belgian waters to carry out measurements of the North Sea water.
At home everywhere
Whether it concerns training, protection of coastal waters and strategic infrastructure, cooperation with NATO partners in international waters or research, the Navy feels at home everywhere. Partly thanks to all this, our fleet guarantees a safe future.