In the facilities of the ARC Naval Base “Malaga” in Valle del Cauca, the emotional ceremony of deactivation and lowering for the last time of the National Pavilion of the ARC Sea Patrol Boat “Effective Lieutenant of the Marine Corps Jaime Eduardo Cárdenas Gómez” was carried out, after more than 42 years of service to the country and 25 years in the Colombian Navy providing security and developing different operations in the Colombian Pacific.
The ceremony was presided over by the Second Commander of the Colombian Navy, Vice Admiral Juan Ricardo Rozo Obregón, former commander of the ARC “TECIM Jaime Eduardo Cárdenas Gómez”, who was accompanied by local and regional authorities, as well as some commanders and crew members who made up this unit.
“It is a sad moment to retire a Colombian Navy ship from service, it is not only a piece of steel material and engines, it is the feelings it leaves to each of the Marines who have had the opportunity to be its crew. In the personal case, I was Commander of this unit in the year 1999 – 2000, “said the Second Commander of the Colombian Navy.
One of the most emotional moments for the last crew of this ship was the lowering of the command pennant, which indicates the presence of the naval officer on board, which is hoisted to the top of the main mast of the warships and remains hoisted both day and night. The command pennant was delivered to its last Commander, Lieutenant José Ramón Posso Mercado, who expressed his gratitude to the institution for being part of the history of this unit, which left an indelible mark on his military career.
Then the National Flag of the ARC “Jaime Eduardo Cárdenas Gómez” was lowered, as well as the bow Jack and the whistle honors were carried out; Then, 21 cannon salvos were heard. The National Flag and the war flag were handed over to Vice Admiral Juan Ricardo Rozo Obregón.
More than 250,000 nautical miles sailed
The ship was built in 1981 aboard the shipyards of Switfships INC., in Morgan City – Louisiana, United States, under the name “Enrique Olaya Herrera” in honor of the former president of the Republic of Colombia between 1930 and 1934. For 15 years this unit provided its services to the Directorate of National Taxes and Customs – DIAN.
On May 19, 1997, the Colombian Navy incorporated the ship under the name ARC “Effective Lieutenant of the Marine Corps Jaime Eduardo Cardenas Gomez,” in honor of the officer killed on June 19, 1991 in an ambush by guerrillas of the FARC’s 6th and 54th Fronts, in compliance with an escort operation on the Ariari River. in San José del Guaviare.
During its service, this ship participated in different operations, highlighting the one carried out on December 12, 1999, in defense of the Advanced River Post of Marine Infantry in the municipality of Juradó – Chocó, under the command of then Lieutenant Juan Ricardo Rozo Obregón and his crew, when it was surprisingly attacked by the guerrilla group of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia – FARC. thus being the first naval support fire mission in the modern history of the Colombian Navy.
In the framework of the commemoration of the 200th anniversary of the Naval Bicentennial, the Colombian Navy advanced negotiations with the Mayor’s Office of Santiago de Cali, Valle del Cauca, to donate the ARC ship “Effective Lieutenant of the Marine Corps Jaime Eduardo Cárdenas Gómez”, which in the coming days will be transferred to this city. in order to join the “Pacific Park”, a project that seeks the recognition and exaltation of the values of the Afro-descendant population.
The Mayor of Cali, Dr. Jorge Iván Ospina Gómez, accompanied this military ceremony and said: “thanks to the National Navy for having delivered this present to our territory, to the city of Cali, with the purpose of keeping alive the strength and importance of the institution for Colombian society, so that our children can know what a ship is, know their responsibilities and work throughout the Pacific Coast.”
The Colombian Navy bids farewell with honors to this ship that served with courage and selflessness to the Colombian Pacific.