On the morning of September 11th, the frigate training ship ARA ̈Libertad ̈ of the Argentine Navy arrived at the Peruvian port of Callao, after sailing 780 nautical miles from the city of Guayaquil within the framework of the itinerary of the 51st Instruction Trip.

During this journey, the Midshipmen in Commission continued to strengthen their practical knowledge in the different positions of the unit, in addition to having theoretical classes and exercising in different practices aimed at nautical safety.

The frigate held a naval parade along the coasts of the Great Bay of Lima, where sails were displayed with the colors of the Argentine flag and the host country, which could be appreciated from different points of the city.

Before taking port at the Naval Base of Callao, the role of honors was covered, the gavieros climbed the poles and salvos were executed with the salute cannons. For their part, the crew sang the stanzas of the March of the Navy and the March of the Malvinas.

At the pier, the welcome was led by the Argentine Ambassador to the Republic of Peru, Enrique Luis Vaca Narvaja, who was accompanied by the Head of Foreign Affairs, Verónica Chiffel Figueiredo; the Military and Defense Attaché to the Argentine Embassy in Peru, Colonel Pedro Cardoso; and the Commander of the Surface Force of the Peruvian Navy, Rear Admiral Mario Cacho Pella. It was also attended by the Band of the Peruvian Navy.

After the seafaring maneuvers, the authorities embarked to greet and welcome the entire crew. It should be noted that the last time the frigate visited this port was in 2021, when it participated in the celebrations for the Bicentennial of the Peruvian Navy.

During her stay, the “Ambassador of the Seas” will receive the visit of representatives of the Peruvian government, military authorities, embassy officials and local institutions.

Various protocolary, cultural and educational activities are also foreseen that include both the crew and the Midshipmen in Commission. A wreath will be laid to Admiral Guillermo Brown in Miraflores, a professional visit to facilities and surface units of the Peruvian Navy; a cultural tour of the city of Lima and Fort Real Felipe; and the Peruvian Naval Academy.

Finally, the ship commanded by Captain Gonzalo Horacio Nieto will release moorings next Friday, bound for Valparaíso, Chile.