The ARA Bahia Agradable notice entered the hull dock No. 2 of the Puerto Belgrano Naval Arsenal (ARPB) to begin the activities demanded by its enlistment for the next Summer Antarctic Campaign.

The unit, dependent on the Maritime Patrol Division and under the command of Lieutenant Commander Martín Ignacio Villalba, sailed from its usual station at the Mar del Plata Naval Base, carrying out an individual training navigation during its transfer.

Also, for this defeat embarked aspirants of the School of Noncommissioned Officers of the Navy accompanied by the Main Corporal Jonathan Paz as instructor, and under the supervision of Lieutenant Jessica Aráoz. During the days at sea, the candidates were distributed in the respective positions, where they participated in all the activities and maneuvers that the ship developed.

The days of navigation allowed the ARA Bahia Agradable to train its crew, who carried out exercises in firefighting, damage control, abandonment role and evacuation of wounded; prior to entering the dock of the Puerto Belgrano Naval Base.

After entering the dock, the vessel will begin the maintenance of its live work together with the ARPB personnel; which will require coordination between the ship and the Arsenal, as well as between the various participating Departments. Works include fairing, hydrowashing and hull thickness measurements; Painting scheme, and travel of propellers and rudders.

In this regard, Captain Villalba remarked that “the work carried out by the Arsenal personnel is superlative so that ARA Bahia Agradable can carry out its enlistment tasks for the next Summer Antarctic Campaign, which will be carried out together with the icebreaker ARA Almirante Irízar and the transport ARA Canal Beagle.”

“We have days of hard work ahead of us, given that Antarctica admits no margin for error. I am confident that both the personnel of the Arsenal and the crew of the unit will be able to carry out all the necessary works with the professionalism and quality that characterizes them”, concluded the Commander.