The command ship “Marshal Krylov” of the Pacific Fleet returned to its permanent deployment point after completing participation in a series of various exercises. As reported by the press service of the Russian Ministry of Defense, he participated in the tactical exercise “Finval-2023” to protect the communications of the Northern Sea Route.
According to the military department, in the waters of the Gulf of Anadyr, the personnel of “Marshal Krylov” ensured uninterrupted communication with all ships and vessels of the Pacific Fleet (PF) in the exercise area, and also monitored the surface and air situation.
The Ministry of Defense noted that for the first time in recent history, simultaneous missile firing was carried out in four environments at once: from the sea, from the shore, from under water and from the air.
The exercise took place in northern latitudes in the Chukchi and Bering Seas, as well as on the Chukotka Peninsula, under the general leadership of the Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Navy, Admiral Nikolai Evmenov.
After the completion of the Finval-2023 tactical exercise, the crew of the command ship Marshal Krylov conducted several more different exercises, including with nuclear submarines, small anti-submarine ships and sea minesweepers.
In the coming days, the ship will be replenished with material reserves, and the personnel will conduct a scheduled technical inspection, after which Marshal Krylov will continue to perform its intended tasks.
” Marshal Krylov ” is the second ship (vessel) of the measuring complex of Project 1914.1. Has been in service since 1990. In 2018, it returned to service after modernization.
The Project 1914.1 ship is designed to provide flight design tests and testing of new models of rocket and space systems (spacecraft, cruise and ballistic missiles, launch vehicles, upper stages, etc.); launching into orbit and entering combat duty of aerospace forces; search, rescue and evacuation of crews and descent vehicles of space objects that have landed on water; detection of ships, submarines and aircraft; relaying all types of information, ensuring communication between astronauts and the mission control center.
In the fall of 2022, “Marshal Krylov” participated in the strategic command and staff exercises “Vostok-2022” and in the complex Arctic expedition “Umka-2022”.