The Frigates “Independence” and “Union” left today (08), from the Naval Base of Rio de Janeiro, towards the port of Mar del Plata (Argentina). They will compose the Brazilian Task Group (WG) that will participate in Operation “Fraternal XXXVI”, which runs until August 30, with the purpose of increasing interoperability and strengthening the ties of cooperation and friendship between the Brazilian and Argentine Navies.

The submarine “Tikuna”, which left Rio de Janeiro on August 1, will join the GT that also includes two aircraft embarked on the frigates, being an AH-11B Wild Lynx and a UH-12 Squirrel. Two AF-1 Skyhawk interception and attack aircraft will also participate in the actions, operating from Florianópolis Air Base.

The “Fraternal XXXVI” provides for the execution of exercises between the participating ships and aircraft, such as: navigation in low visibility; transit under air and surface threat; submarine operations; Leap Frog, when the approach maneuver and the maintenance of the relative position of the ships are trained; Light-line, when the maintenance of the distance between two ships is exercised, by means of a distance cable; transfer of light cargo at sea; air operations; surface shooting; anti-aircraft fire under illuminating grenade; among other trainings, within a scenario that approaches a real situation of employment of the Naval Power.

In addition to providing the maintenance of the capabilities and levels of readiness and training of the Brazilian Fleet, Operation “Fraterno” contributes to the strengthening of the South Atlantic Peace and Cooperation Zone (ZOPACAS), a forum integrated by Brazil and Argentina, among other countries, which aims to promote regional cooperation and the maintenance of peace and security in the region.

The Brazilian WG of Operation “Fraterno”, commanded by Rear Admiral Nelson de Oliveira Leite, Commander of the 1st Division of the Fleet, has the participation of 573 military personnel and will visit the ports of Rio Grande (RS), Itajaí (SC) and Mar del Plata.