On its first call at the Compas terminal located between Tolú and Coveñas, the ARC “Gloria” School Ship became a tourist attraction for the more than 10,200 people who visited it, who were able to learn, along with the crew, part of the history of the Colombian Navy that next year commemorates the Naval Bicentennial of the Battle of Lake Maracaibo.

This figure exceeded all expectations of visits to the port, in which the Floating Ambassador of Colombia in the seas and ports of the world remained since last Saturday, October 1.

Mr. Eduardo Barney, Manager of the Compas Tolú terminal, highlighted the massive reception that the majestic “Gloria” had in this privileged place in the Gulf of Morrosquillo: “We are very proud and happy to have been able to have the ARC Ship “Gloria ”, symbol of the National Navy and pride of all Colombians. We thank the body of officers, non-commissioned officers and students who were on board for serving the more than 10,000 people who were visiting the Unit so well,” he confirmed.

The flagship sailboat of the Colombian Navy sailed amid praise and applause from civil and military authorities to the Atlantic capital, where the training cruise for 73 students from the ARC “Barranquilla” Naval School of Noncommissioned Officers will end. opportunity to strengthen your knowledge in navigation and experience your first close contact with life in the sea.

The arrival is scheduled for next Saturday, October 8 at 10:00 am on the Gran Malecón, to which locals and tourists are cordially invited.

The “Gloria” will participate in the sixth edition of the Soy Marino Race

For the sixth consecutive year, the “Soy Marino” Naval Bicentennial 2023 race will be held in the city of Barranquilla, which this year will have face-to-face and virtual modalities, in the 5k, 10k and 15k categories.

The competition will take place on October 9 starting at 05:30 am, with the majestic Colombian sailboat adorning the Gran Malecón del Río. Don’t miss out on your chance to compete on behalf of the Heroes Protecting the Blue Flag!