In St. Petersburg, at the Central Naval Museum named after Emperor Peter the Great (TsVMM) and in Severodvinsk at the Sevmash plant under the auspices of the Russian Post, commemorative cancellation ceremonies were held as part of the Russian Navy series, dedicated to nuclear submarines of the Borei-A and Yasen-M projects and the Project 677 Lada diesel-electric submarine. All of them were designed and built at the enterprises of the United Shipbuilding Corporation (USC)

The issue of postage stamps depicting submarines in the “Russian Marine Fleet” series took place at the initiative of USC and perpetuates the contribution of Russian shipbuilders to the creation of the modern domestic submarine fleet.

The participants of the stamp cancellation ceremony in St. Petersburg were Deputy Commander-in-Chief of the Navy, Vice Admiral Igor Mukhametshin, Chief Engineer of Admiralty Shipyards Ruslan Sheremetyev, Deputy General Director – General Designer for Multipurpose Nuclear Submarines and Their Armament of Malachite SPMBM JSC, Valentin Frolov, First Deputy General Director – Chief Engineer of Rubin Design Bureau (all enterprises are part of USC) and Ksenia Efimova, Deputy Director of the North-West Macroregion of the Russian Post.

“There are more than 150 countries in the world, and the fingers of one hand are enough to name those who build nuclear submarines. Stamps are a kind of symbol and emphasize the uniqueness of our technologies,” said Valentin Frolov, First Deputy General Director of Rubin Central Design Bureau.

On behalf of the Commander-in-Chief of the Navy Nikolai Yevmenov, Igor Mukhametshin thanked the Russian Post for issuing stamps and envelopes that will be used to perpetuate the memory of Russian modern submarines. “Nuclear submarines of the Borei, Yasen projects and their modifications are successfully performing their tasks as part of the submarine forces of the Northern and Pacific fleets. They are capable of operating anywhere in the world’s oceans from the Arctic to the Antarctic,” he said.

In Severodvinsk, the event was attended by Deputy Governor of the Arkhangelsk Region – Chairman of the Government of the region Alexei Alsufyev, General Director of Sevmash Mikhail Budnichenko and Director of the Federal Postal Service of the Arkhangelsk Region Alexander Balakshin.

“This event will certainly be important in the field of philately. The last time a stamp with the image of a nuclear submarine was issued 53 years ago, in 1970. It was the first domestic nuclear submarine “Leninsky Komsomol”. It is symbolic that today’s event is taking place in the year of the 65th anniversary of the firstborn of the Russian nuclear submarine fleet,” Mikhail Budnichenko said at the ceremony.

A special first-day stamp was made for the cancellation of the stamps. It bears the date – November 10, 2023. Stamps were placed on envelopes with stamps, after which the participants of the solemn ceremonies signed each envelope. After the ceremony, the stamps were taken to specially prepared rooms for cancellation of stamps, after which the stamps were distributed among those wishing to receive unique specimens of philatelists.