Since 2016, two examples of S100 drones to the “v1” standard were deployed from land or from the Amphibious Helicopter Carriers (PHA) within the Navy by CEPA/10S. After an initial demonstration of their capability added value, four more S100 “v2” standard were delivered to the Navy at the end of 2020 to continue the operational evaluation of these systems.

To homogenize the Navy’s fleet of S100 drones and allow the continued use of these older vectors on board the PHA, the Austrian manufacturer Schiebel and the technicians of the CEPA/10S drone detachment intervened on the two oldest drones to upgrade them to the “v2” standard as part of a contract signed by the DGA.

The S2’s “v100” can withstand GPS jamming and features new payloads such as Wescam’s NG MX-10 camera and OCEAN WATCH’s P8 electro-optical auto-detection system.

In parallel with this upgrade, new tactical tools for data exploitation as well as a capacity to create IAMSAR/ATP-10D research patterns were provided by the manufacturer.